Book Cover

Child Education in Islam

Author: Abdullah Nasih Ulwan

Translator: Dr. M. Mahmoud Ghali, Dr. M. Kamal Abdul-Ghani, Dr. Shafik Elkhatib, Dr. Ali Ahmad Sha'ban, Dr. M. Ash-Shahhat al-Gindi

Description: This book on child education in Islam, from birth to puberty, is inspired by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah’s "Tuhfat Al-Maudud fi Ahkam Al-Mawlud" and expands on the rules concerning newborns, referenced in the third chapter. It aims to provide a comprehensive guide for parents and educators, covering key aspects of child upbringing. The book is divided into three parts, each with multiple chapters. Part One covers topics such as the ideal marriage, newborn rules, and addressing children's waywardness. Part Two explores various responsibilities, including faith, ethical, physical, intellectual, psychological, social, and sexual education. Part Three focuses on effective educational methods and the basic principles of education.